Get Involved
Keep Your Cool is a cool-surface educational campaign for all stakeholders and the general public to communicate how cool roofs and walls keep unwanted solar heat out of our homes, workplaces, and communities and of the many ways this is helpful. This campaign aims to position the selection of cool roofs and walls as no-regret choices whose benefits will grow as the climate warms, as well as highlight opportunities and resources such as demonstration projects, financial incentives, and weatherization resources from utilities and governments.
This broad campaign is meant for the general public but will target outreach to consumers, government agencies, policymakers, code officials, and industry professionals through city, state, and federal websites; utility websites and mailed statements; industry marketing material; and workshops for industry professionals, such as continuing education programs for architects, engineers, and building enclosure consultants.
In 2023, the project team from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Arizona State University, Smart Surfaces Coalition, and Cool Roof Rating Council published a plan with 19 ideas to accelerate the national uptake of cool roofs and walls. In 2024, the project focuses on three activities: (1) providing technical assistance to local, state, and federal government agencies; (2) educating the public, building professionals, and policymakers about the benefits of cool surfaces; and (3) designing high-profile demonstration in disadvantaged communities, especially those located in mixed-climate regions without a history of using cool roofs and walls.
How to Join or Learn More
If you would like to join the education campaign or demonstrations, please complete this short form. To learn more about the US Cool Surfaces Deployment Project, please visit or contact Ronnen Levinson <[email protected]> and Iona Isachsen <[email protected]>.
Project Staff
Project Partners
Arizona Public Service, Michael Denby
Chemical Fabrics and Film Association, Jennifer Oblock
City of Los Angeles, Marta Segura
City of San Leandro, Hoi-Fei Mok
Climate Resolve, Seth Jacobson, Selena Melgoza, Jonathan Parfrey
Coldrays, LLC, Jake Struzik
CoolSeal, Maria Koetter
Cornerstone Building Brands, Amanda Turner
Dow Chemical, George Daisey
Frank Klink
Hawaii State Energy Office, Howard Wiig
IB Roof Systems, Shawn Stanley
Kurt Shickman
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Craig Tranby
Metropolitan Area Planning Council, Julia Nassar, Sasha Shyduroff
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Maggie Allen
National Roofing Contractors Association
City of Austin, Office of Sustainability, Marc Coudert
Pabco Roofing Products, Sara Hyacinthe, Lori Jerome
Roofers Coffee Shop, Lauren White, Yvette Cruz
San Mateo County Sustainability Department, Isabel Parés Ramos
Single Ply Roofing Industry (SPRI), Chadwick Collins
Sun Chemical, Richard Ridenour
Sustainable Columbus, Sara Ernst
USGBC, Stephanie Gabriel
The following resources were developed to help maximize the reach and impact of the Keep Your Cool campaign. The goal is to increase awareness of the many benefits that cool surfaces provide and encourage individuals to adopt these cooling strategies. This content is available for use on social media or in other communication materials.
Social Media Toolkit
Sample Newsletter Blurb