X Author: Arthur H Rosenfeld
Sproul, Julian, Man-Pun Wan, Benjamin H Mandel, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Economic Comparison of White, Green, and Black Flat Roofs in the United States."Energy and Buildings
71 (2014) 20-27. DOI
Rossi, Federico, Franco Cotana, Mirko Filipponi, Andrea Nicolini, Surabi Menon, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Cool roofs as a strategy to tackle global warming: economical and technical opportunities."Advances in Building Energy Research
7.2 (2013) 254 - 268. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Surabi Menon, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Global cooling: increasing world-wide urban albedos to offset CO2."Climatic Change
94.3-4 (2009) 275-286. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Cool roofs could save money, save planet."KGO-TV (abc7news)
Rosenfeld, Arthur H."Painting the town white: California Energy Commissioner, Art Rosenfeld, explains the benefits of cool roofs."National Public Radio
Akbari, Hashem, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."White roofs cool the world, directly offset CO2 and delay global warming."Research Highlights
Akbari, Hashem, Surabi Menon, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Equivalent CO2 avoided by reflective roofs and pavements in California."Memo to California Air Resources Board
Akbari, Hashem, Surabi Menon, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Global cooling: effect of urban albedo on global temperature."2nd PALENC and 28th AIVC Conference
(2007) 1-5.
Akbari, Hashem, Paul H Berdahl, Ronnen M Levinson, Stephen Wiel, Andre Desjarlais, William A Miller, Nancy Jenkins, Arthur H Rosenfeld, and Chris Scruton."Cool colored roofs to save energy and improve air quality."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 22-27, 2004
1 (2004) 1-16.
Akbari, Hashem, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Cool communities."Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy
1 (2000) 305-8.
Pomerantz, Melvin, Hashem Akbari, Paul H Berdahl, Steven J Konopacki, Haider Taha, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Reflective surfaces for cooler buildings and cities."Philosophical Magazine Part B
79 (1999) 1457-1476. DOI
Rosenfeld, Arthur H, Hashem Akbari, Joseph J Romm, and Melvin Pomerantz."Cool communities: strategies for heat island mitigation and smog reduction."Energy and Buildings
28 (1998) 51-62. DOI
Bretz, Sarah E, Hashem Akbari, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Practical issues for using solar-reflective materials to mitigate urban heat islands."Atmospheric Environment
32 (1998) 95-101. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Cool buildings and cool communities."Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Buildings and the Environment
2 (1997) 301-308.
Rosenfeld, Arthur H, Joseph J Romm, Hashem Akbari, and Alan C Lloyd."Painting the Town White—and Green."MIT Technology Review
100.2 (1997) 52-59.
Pomerantz, Melvin, Hashem Akbari, Allan Chen, Haider Taha, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Paving materials for heat island mitigation."
(1997). DOI
Rosenfeld, Arthur H, Joseph J Romm, Hashem Akbari, Melvin Pomerantz, and Haider Taha."Policies to reduce heat islands: Magnitudes of benefits and incentives to achieve them."1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
9 (1996) 177-186.
Rosenfeld, Arthur H, Hashem Akbari, Sarah E Bretz, Beth L Fishman, Dan M Kurn, David J Sailor, and Haider Taha."Mitigation of urban heat islands: materials, utility programs, updates."Energy and Buildings
22.3 (1995) 255-265. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Arthur H Rosenfeld, and Haider Taha."Cool construction materials offer energy savings and help reduce smog."ASTM Standardization News
23 (1995) 32-37.
Akbari, Hashem, Sarah E Bretz, James W Hanford, Arthur H Rosenfeld, David J Sailor, Haider Taha, and Willem Bos."Monitoring peak power and cooling energy savings of shade trees and white surfaces in the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) service area: project design and preliminary results."
(1992). DOI
Bretz, Sarah E, Hashem Akbari, Arthur H Rosenfeld, and Haider Taha."Implementation of solar-reflective surfaces: materials and utility programs."
(1992) 67. DOI
Taha, Haider, Hashem Akbari, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Heat island and oasis effects of vegetative canopies: micro-meteorological field-measurements."Theoretical and Applied Climatology
44 (1991) 123-138. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Arthur H Rosenfeld, and Haider Taha."Summer heat islands, urban trees, and white surfaces."Proceedings of the 1990 ASHRAE Winter Conference
Taha, Haider, Hashem Akbari, Arthur H Rosenfeld, and Yu Joe Huang."Residential cooling loads and the urban heat island—the effects of albedo."Building and Environment
23 (1988) 271-283. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Yu Joe Huang, Haider Taha, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."The potential of vegetation in reducing summer cooling loads in residential buildings."Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology
26.9 (1987) 1103-1116. DOI