X Author: Haider Taha
Akbari, Hashem, Sarah E Bretz, James W Hanford, Arthur H Rosenfeld, David J Sailor, Haider Taha, and Willem Bos."Monitoring peak power and cooling energy savings of shade trees and white surfaces in the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) service area: project design and preliminary results."
(1992). DOI
Bretz, Sarah E, Hashem Akbari, Arthur H Rosenfeld, and Haider Taha."Implementation of solar-reflective surfaces: materials and utility programs."
(1992) 67. DOI
Taha, Haider, David J Sailor, and Hashem Akbari."High-albedo materials for reducing building cooling energy use."
(1992). DOI
Akbari, Hashem, and Haider Taha."The impact of trees and white surfaces on residential heating and cooling energy use in four Canadian cities."Energy
17 (1992) 141-149. DOI
Taha, Haider, Hashem Akbari, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Heat island and oasis effects of vegetative canopies: micro-meteorological field-measurements."Theoretical and Applied Climatology
44 (1991) 123-138. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Arthur H Rosenfeld, and Haider Taha."Summer heat islands, urban trees, and white surfaces."Proceedings of the 1990 ASHRAE Winter Conference
Huang, Yu Joe, Hashem Akbari, and Haider Taha."The wind-shielding and shading effects of trees on residential heating and cooling requirements."Proceedings of the ASHRAE Winter Conference
(1990) 11-14.
Taha, Haider, Hashem Akbari, Arthur H Rosenfeld, and Yu Joe Huang."Residential cooling loads and the urban heat island—the effects of albedo."Building and Environment
23 (1988) 271-283. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Yu Joe Huang, Haider Taha, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."The potential of vegetation in reducing summer cooling loads in residential buildings."Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology
26.9 (1987) 1103-1116. DOI