X Author: Ronnen M Levinson
Akbari, Hashem, Paul Berdahl, Ronnen M Levinson, Stephen Wiel, William A Miller, and Andre Desjarlais."Cool Color Roofing Materials."
Wray, Craig P, Hashem Akbari, Ronnen M Levinson, and Tengfang T Xu."Inclusion of Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance Prescriptive Requirements for Residential Roofs in Title 24."
Akbari, Hashem, Craig P Wray, Ronnen M Levinson, and Tengfang T Xu."Inclusion of Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance Prescriptive Requirements for Steep-Sloped Nonresidential Roofs in Title 24."
Levinson, Ronnen M, Paul H Berdahl, Asmeret A Berhe, and Hashem Akbari."Effects of soiling and cleaning on the reflectance and solar heat gain of a light-colored roofing membrane."Atmospheric Environment
39.40 (2005) 7807-7824. DOI
Levinson, Ronnen M, Paul H Berdahl, and Hashem Akbari."Solar spectral optical properties of pigments—Part I: model for deriving scattering and absorption coefficients from transmittance and reflectance measurements."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
89.4 (2005) 319-349. DOI
Levinson, Ronnen M, Paul H Berdahl, and Hashem Akbari."Solar spectral optical properties of pigments—Part II: survey of common colorants."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
89.4 (2005) 351-389. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Ronnen M Levinson, and Leo I Rainer."Monitoring the energy-use effects of cool roofs on California commercial buildings."Energy and Buildings
37.10 (2005) 1007-1016. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Asmeret A Berhe, Ronnen M Levinson, Stanley Graveline, Kevin Foley, Ana H Delgado, and Ralph M Paroli."Aging and Weathering of Cool Roofing Membranes."
Akbari, Hashem, Ronnen M Levinson, William A Miller, and Paul H Berdahl."Potentials of urban heat island mitigation."Proceedings of the 1st International Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Evironment
1 (2005) 11.
Levinson, Ronnen M, Hashem Akbari, Steven J Konopacki, and Sarah E Bretz."Inclusion of cool roofs in nonresidential Title 24 prescriptive requirements."Energy Policy
33.2 (2005) 151-170. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Paul H Berdahl, Ronnen M Levinson, Stephen Wiel, Andre Desjarlais, William A Miller, Nancy Jenkins, Arthur H Rosenfeld, and Chris Scruton."Cool colored roofs to save energy and improve air quality."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 22-27, 2004
1 (2004) 1-16.
Akbari, Hashem, Ronnen M Levinson, and Paul H Berdahl."A Review of Methods for the Manufacture of Residential Roofing Materials."
Pomerantz, Melvin, Hashem Akbari, Sheng-Chieh Chang, Ronnen M Levinson, and Brian Pon."Examples of cooler reflective streets for urban heat-island mitigation : portland cement concrete and chip seals."
Carrié, François Rémi, Ronnen M Levinson, Tengfang T Xu, Darryl J Dickerhoff, William J Fisk, Jennifer A McWilliams, Mark P Modera, and Duo Wang."Laboratory and Field Testing of an Aerosol-Based Duct-Sealing Technology for Large Commercial Buildings."ASHRAE Transactions
Levinson, Ronnen M, and Hashem Akbari."Effects of composition and exposure on the solar reflectance of portland cement concrete."Cement and Concrete Research
32 (2002) 1679-1698. DOI
Modera, Mark P, Olivier Brzozowski, François Rémi Carrié, Darryl J Dickerhoff, William W Delp, William J Fisk, Ronnen M Levinson, and Duo Wang."Sealing Ducts in Large Commercial Buildings with Aerosolized Sealant Particles."Energy & Buildings
34.7 (2001) 705-714. DOI
Levinson, Ronnen M, William W Delp, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Mark P Modera."Effects of airflow infiltration on the thermal performance of internally insulated ducts."Energy and Buildings
32.3 (2000) 345-354. DOI
Fisk, William J, William W Delp, Richard C Diamond, Darryl J Dickerhoff, Ronnen M Levinson, Mark P Modera, Albert Nematollahi, and Duo Wang."Duct systems in large commercial buildings: physical characterization, air leakage and heat conduction gains."Energy and Buildings
32.1 (2000) 109-119.
Levinson, Ronnen M, William W Delp, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Mark P Modera."Effects of air infiltration on the effective thermal conductivity of internal fiberglass insulation and on the delivery of thermal capacity via ducts."
Levinson, Ronnen M, William W Delp, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Mark P Modera."Effects of Airflow Infiltration on the Thermal Performance of Internally-insulated Ducts."Energy & Buildings
32 (2000) 345-354.
Wray, Craig P, Mary Ann Piette, Max H Sherman, Ronnen M Levinson, Nance Matson, Debbie A Driscoll, Jennifer A McWilliams, Tengfang T Xu, and William W Delp."Residential Commissioning: A Review of Related Literature."
Levinson, Ronnen M."Near-Ground Cooling Efficacies of Trees and High-Albedo Surfaces."Department of Mechanical Engineering
Levinson, Ronnen M, William W Delp, Darryl J Dickerhoff, William J Fisk, Albert Nematollahi, Ingar Stordahl, Christophe Torre, Duo Wang, Richard C Diamond, and Mark P Modera."Commercial Thermal Distribution Systems FINAL REPORT for California Institute for Energy Efficiency."
Akbari, Hashem, Ronnen M Levinson, and Paul H Berdahl."ASTM standards for measuring solar reflectance and infrared emittance of construction materials and comparing their steady-state surface temperatures."1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
1 (1996) 1-11.
Levinson, Ronnen M, Hashem Akbari, and Lisa M Gartland."Impact of the temperature dependency of fiberglass insulation R-value on cooling energy use in buildings."1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
10 (1996) 85-94.