X Author: Yu Joe Huang
Parker, Danny S, Yu Joe Huang, Steven J Konopacki, Lisa M Gartland, John R Sherwin, and Lixing Gu."Measured and simulated performance of reflective roofing systems in residential buildings."ASHRAE Transactions
104 (1998).
Akbari, Hashem, Susan Davis, Sofia Dorsano, Yu Joe Huang, and Steven Winnett."Cooling Our Communities: A Guidebook on Tree Planting and Light-Colored Surfacing."
(1992) 245.
Huang, Yu Joe, Susan Davis, and Hashem Akbari."A guidebook for the control of summer heat islands."1990 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
4 (1990) 79-85.
Huang, Yu Joe, Hashem Akbari, and Haider Taha."The wind-shielding and shading effects of trees on residential heating and cooling requirements."Proceedings of the ASHRAE Winter Conference
(1990) 11-14.
Taha, Haider, Hashem Akbari, Arthur H Rosenfeld, and Yu Joe Huang."Residential cooling loads and the urban heat island—the effects of albedo."Building and Environment
23 (1988) 271-283. DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Yu Joe Huang, Haider Taha, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."The potential of vegetation in reducing summer cooling loads in residential buildings."Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology
26.9 (1987) 1103-1116. DOI