Publications: Energy Efficiency
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Tang, Xiaochen, Olivier Rosseler, Sharon S Chen, Sébastien Houzé de l’Aulnoit, Michael J Lussier, Jiachen Zhang, George Ban Weiss, Haley E Gilbert, Ronnen M Levinson, and Hugo Destaillats."Self-cleaning and de-pollution efficacies of photocatalytic architectural membranes."Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
(2021). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Mary Ann Piette, Ashok J Gadgil, Rajan Rawal, Narendra Bansal, Vishal Garg, Jyotirmay Mathur, Philip Haves, Paul A Mathew, Christian Kohler, Mahabir Bhandari, Gail Brager, Vivian Loftness, Narendran Nadarajah, Ronnen M Levinson, Richard E Brown, Andre Desjarlais, Milind Rane, Sanyogita Manu, Yash Shukla, and Mona Doctor-Pingel."R&D and Implementation Outcomes From The U.S.-India Bilateral Center For Building Energy Research And Development Program."
(2019). DOI
Sproul, Julian, Man-Pun Wan, Benjamin H Mandel, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Economic Comparison of White, Green, and Black Flat Roofs in the United States."Energy and Buildings
71 (2014) 20-27. DOI